Our Senior Program provides a structured setting for adults who need daily health monitoring, cognitive and social stimulation, and fun physical activities that will help sharpen their senses. This community-based service is designed to meet the individual’s needs of functionally impaired adults who require supervision during the day. Nevada Adult Day Healthcare Centers (NADHC) promises to be respectful, attentive and loving to help enhanced their quality of life, and assure your loved one’s safety.
We have licensed professional nurses (RNs and LPNs) to monitor their health daily and perform medication management, we have a Registered Dietician to monitor their food intake and we have resources to offer Physician, Dentist, Podiatrist, Audiologist, Mental Health Services, Imaging, Physical and Occupational Therapy, Flu Shot Clinics by Walgreens and much more for the convenience of our clients and their caregivers.
Taking care of elderly parents at home by yourself can be emotionally, physically and financially taxing. Stay-at-home elderly care or private caregivers for the elderly are often much more costly and not a viable option for many families. In addition, there are no social-physical-emotional benefits of individuals their same age to engage with. NADHC offers a viable and cost-effective alternative for both the client and the caregivers.